How can Hypnotherapy help with Inner Child Healing?

Heal Your Inner Child with hypnotherapy focuses on healing emotional and psychological aspects of your childhood that continues to influence behaviors, thoughts and feelings throughout your entire life. It doesn’t matter if your childhood was a happy and supportive one or one filled with trauma and abuse, it remains a foundational base for everything we do in our adult life.

Heal Your Inner Child with Hypnotherapy is very effective for:


  • Healing EMOTIONAL and PHYSICAL PAIN from Abuse

  • Letting go of SHAME and BLAME

  • Eliminating UNWORTHINESS and INADEQUACY (imposter sydrom)

  • Breaking through feelings of being UNLOVED

  • Moving past LIMITING BELIEFS and FEARS

Hear from a Client…

Heal Your Inner Child with Hypnotherapy helps to overcome any blocks that prevent you from moving forward in life. Once a greater sense of self-worth and self-love is established, nothing stands in the way of living a happy and successful life.

The results of Heal Your Inner Child with Hypnotherapy work are unlimited but the most common are:


  • Stepping into SELF-LOVE and TRUST

  • Increased EMOTIONAL RESISTANCE to cope with difficult situations and stress

  • Ability to experience JOY and PLAYFULNESS

  • Improvement in RELATIONSHIPS and/or attracting LOVING RELATIONSHIP

  • Strength to express YOUR NEEDS and WANTS

Hear from a Client…

Thew ultimate result of Healing Your Inner Child is becoming YOUR BEST AUTHENTIC SELF experiencing greater sense of purpose, joy and fulfilment in life!
Anna Hanael Hypnotherapy Session

How Hypnotherapy helps with Inner Child Healing?

During Hypnotherapy sessions, Anna will skillfully guide you into a natural state of deep relaxation in which your brain accesses the subconscious mind. This is where all past emotional wounds and traumas exist and therefore, they can be neutralized and eliminated. Contrary to common belief, you don’t need to go down memory lane and revisit painful experiences. However, you will be guided to connect with your “inner child” in a positive way; a way that allows the wounded child in you to heal.

First, we are building a relationship with your self/inner child. Secondly, we are changing your limiting beliefs with strong and positive suggestions for self-acceptance and self-love. Thirdly, we create new life patterns filled with strong and positive reinforcements. As a result, your child will develop into a loving, trusting and confident self.

Hypnotherapy Session

Why Hypnotherapy?

If you could tell yourself to immediately change, it would have already happened.  You wouldn’t need hypnotherapy. But your conscious mind cannot change your behaviors. All the dreaming, talking and wishing in the world will NEVER be able to change your behavior. Until you decide to work on your subconscious mind, all negative behaviors and patterns cannot change because those past traumas will always maintain a vice-like grip on your mind and influence every decision you make.

In hypnotherapy we transform the subconscious mind which allows us to change how we automatically behave, think, judge and perceive life and other people. We become our best authentic selves, easily overcoming any obstacles in creating a life of our dreams.

The change is PERMANENT so you can truly say goodbye to old limiting beliefs and live the life of YOUR DREAMS!
Hypnotherapy consultation with Anna Hanael

HEAL YOUR INNER CHILD with HYPNOTHERAPY includes highly individualized Hypnotherapy sessions in person or over Zoom with Anna Hanael addressing your specific needs:

  • Transformational Hypnotherapy
  • Personal hypnotherapy recordings
  • Practical tools for self-help
  • A guided meditation to connect with your Inner Child
  • A Guided meditation to elevate your energy
  • Weekly rituals to accelerate your results
  • Email support
Finally Put the Past in the Past!

Ask yourself one important question:

What will happen if I do nothing?

It’s time to disconnect from negative programming from the past and step into your happiness and success NOW!

  • Do you long for SUCCESS?
  • Do you long for LOVE?
  • Do you long for HAPPINESS?

You know your biggest dream is to live a fulfilling and happy life; a life free of regrets. However, there is no such thing as being born a success.

All success or failure comes from within your mind.

Most of us weren’t given the right tools or beliefs or support to thrive.

Man connecting with Inner Child

While there are people who have had genuinely ideal childhoods, most of us have a legacy of our upbringing that might include tragedy, cruelty, neglect, substance abuse, sexual abuse or any number of negative situations; what we commonly refer to as our ‘baggage’. What we often don’t realize is the negative effect this creates in our daily adult lives. This long-term damage can hold us back in many areas of life and this is why the specialized program, HEAL YOUR INNER CHILD with HYPNOTHERAPY is so valuable in healing the past and establishing  mental, emotional and physical health. 

Heal Your Inner Child with Hypnotherapy is for YOU if you want:

  • Manifest the Life you’ve dreamt about
  • Elevate your Relationships
  • Heal the Past
  • Find Peace Within
  • Create Positive Thought Patterns
  • See your Path Unfold before You
  • Become your Authentic Self

  • Connect with your Inner Voice

All this and more is possible with individual Hypnotherapy sessions designed specifically for your needs.

As a result you will overcome obstacles, bad habits and release negative emotions while building your future filled with happiness and success.

In just a few weeks you will experience greater peace and success than ever before.

Anna Hanael Picture

Results of Anna’s Help…

“I had some childhood trauma that I knew couldn’t be healed through a regular psychiatrist or therapist. I knew I had some deeper issues in my subconscious that needed to be addressed and that’s exactly what Anna worked on when helping me heal through my trauma… She helped me realize what I was missing as a child that was affecting me as an adult and was able to heal that part of myself. I was keeping a lot of emotions in from my past… I’m extremely grateful for Anna’s healing and all the tools she provided me with to continue on my journey with confidence. I’ve had more energy than I’ve ever had… I used to have pretty bad back pain before I was seeing her that I no longer have! She’s truly amazing and I highly recommend her for Hypnotherapy.”

Shannon Wall

“I was at a point in my life, where I had extreme guilt with my upbringing. Through the Inner Child sessions, Anna was able to help me heal in ways I never thought. The techniques and words of encouragement helped me heal. I still use the exercises Anna taught me. I’m still working on myself, but I’m much gentle with myself and forgiving of my past… If you have tried other types of therapy and you did not find them helpful, then it’s time to give the Inner Child a try. You will not be disappointed. I’m speaking from experience and to this day I’m so grateful my google search lead me to Anna.

Gino Gonzalez

“I came to Anna a couple months ago to help resolve a specific fear of mine. I felt great and could feel a huge mental and emotional change, but didn’t see the full results right away. However, it’s been about 2 months now, and I can honestly say I have COMPLETELY and drastically conquered and overcome my fear. It didn’t happen overnight, but something that held me back for so long has been completely removed from my mind and my life. I truly believe that my sessions with Anna are the reason for this accomplishment, and I’m eternally grateful. I cannot recommend Anna enough for someone who wants to overcome a crippling fear or make a positive change in their life.”

Valerie Mercenier