For over 12 years, Anna Hanael has helped 100’s of clients turn their lives around as a Hypnotherapist, Confidene Coach and Reiki Master/Teacher.
Born in Poland; since the age of 18, Anna has been a very successful entrepreneur. When she moved to the United States, she entered a marriage that was extremely challenging. This very difficult experience guided Anna to her spiritual awakening. Anna reinvented herself through her own self-healing journey and found her true voice and her Destiny as a Spiritual Healer and Reiki Master.
“I know where you are. For years I was trying different methods, longing for happiness, confidence and success myself. Hypnotherapy was my answer! I began to believe I’m worthy of love, abundance and everything wonderful in life. My mindset shifted in just a few weeks and I created a life filled with happiness and success.”
“My passion is to support you to live your healthy, happy, successful life of ABUNDANCE!
Let me show you how you can live filled with CONFIDENCE, COURAGE, and CLARITY!”
When Anna discovered Hypnotherapy, she fell in love with the power and speed that it offers for healing. Anna is a graduate of the HMI College of Hypnotherapy as a certified hypnotherapist specializing in Inner Child Therapy, Past Life Regression and Mental Therapeutic Imagery, PTSD, Trauma and Pain Therapy. She completed a comprehensive health management leadership program at Stanford University.
In 2011, she opened The Healing Oasis and began to provide Hypnotherapy, Spiritual Healing and Reiki. In 2021, The Healing Oasis morhed into Anna Hanael Hypnotherapy.
In 2017, Anna was honored by Phyllis Lei Furumoto, the Grand Master of Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho as the recipient of the spiritual lineage.
“Your life can become everything you have dreamed of; you can have a fantastic career; a loving supportive partner; and you can break through all past limitations and challenges RIGHT NOW! I did it; you can do it, too, with Hypnotherapy!”

Who Anna Helps…
Anna is a natural healer, powerful, professional, intuitive, and compassionate. Her knowledge as a Reiki practitioner and hypnotherapist shows in her years of experience working with spirit. During my session with her I experience a deep relaxation and was able to travel into my past lives with a most energetic healing by her. I felt safe in her presence, knowing that I was healing years of stuff that I needed to work on… Days later following my session the discomfort in my chest had resolved, the weight has been lifted.
I have had the pleasure and privilege of working with this extraordinarily gifted healer. She excels in reiki, past life regression, hypnotherapy, visualization, readings, and more. No need to search further! Anna Dabrowski is phenomenal!
Anna is an amazing healer and hypnotherapist, I just can’t believe how much I changed over only a few weeks… I wanted to be Happy again. When I first got in touch with Anna I was so desperate for change… Never would I have imagined this to be such a quick, fascinating and absolutely wonderful experience. Thanks to her I truly feel being a happy and strong woman again. Thank you so much, Anna!